How to Advocate for Hearts this Fall

Right now, the health and future of our North Texas community is on the minds of many.  How can we protect the ones we love most and create a better future for our children?

At Living for Zachary, we are on a mission to serve boldly and save young hearts.  We know that sudden cardiac arrest continues rampant health issue throughout the United States, with more than 350,000 cardiac arrest occurring outside of hospitals each year.[1] The good news?  Each and every one of us has the ability to take action this very moment to change the statistics and ensure more hearts are given a second chance.

Want to know how you can advocate for the hearts around you this fall?  Here are the three top ways you can join us to make a difference right now:

1. Advocate for AED placement in the places you visit.

The American Heart Association reports that 9 out of 10 victims who receive a shock from an AED within one minute survive.[1] These statistics show us the clear truth: AEDs are crucial to saving lives from cardiac arrest.  Yet too many of our schools, community organizations, and public buildings remain unprepared to respond to a cardiac event with the proper tools and training.  This fall, be a Heart Hero for hearts in your community by asking the important questions:

  • Does your child’s school have enough AEDs to cover the size of the building? 
  • Does your workplace have an AED that can be reached in 2 minutes?
  • Who in your school/workplace is CPR certified?  Is anyone in your family trained in CPR/AED use?
  • Where is the nearest AED located in your gym? Your shopping mall? Grocery store?  Sports facility?

Let the businesses and organizations you love know that AEDs and CPR training for staff are worthy investment lives they can save.  For youth-based organizations and schools, Living for Zachary’s AED Donation Program is here to help by providing AEDs and CPR training at no cost to selected applicants.  Learn more about our application process here.

2. Tell a family you know about youth heart screenings.

In order to save lives from SCA, it takes reaching out to those around us to offer resources and programs that can help.  If the youth in your family have already received a heart screening, make a commitment to invite at least one other family you know to schedule an appointment and an upcoming event. 

Living for Zachary’s public heart screening events are free and simple, held in various locations across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex each month.  While telling someone else about a heart screening event might seem like an insignificant task, for someone you know, it could change everything and even save a life.

3. Support the fight against SCA in youth during North Texas Giving Day.

One of the most important ways you can be an advocate for hearts in your community is by helping to ensure they have the programs they need far into the future.  At Living for Zachary, our programs are rapidly growing and expanding to reach new communities with each passing day.  Yet this growth can’t be possible without the support of those who come alongside us financially to help provide these programs at no cost to recipients. 

This North Texas Giving Day, September 23rd, we have an opportunity to make a massive impact by reaching our goal of $40,000 – that’s the equivalent of 250 youth heart screenings and 12 AED donations provided at no cost to recipients!

By joining the Team with a gift during North Texas Giving Day, you are sending a message to SCA that we will continue the fight for our children’s lives no matter what.

This fall, YOU can make a difference for hearts across North Texas.  Will you join us in the mission?

[1] American Heart Association

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