Board of Directors Spotlight: Kellea Darwin

Get to know the leadership team behind the mission! This month, we sat down with a member of Living for Zachary’s Board of Directors to hear about their role and give you a look at just one of many passionate people who lead Team L4Z each year.

Kellea Darwin

Kellea, tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi! I’m Kellea… it’s pronounced like “Kelly”. I am named after my mother’s best friend who happen to pass away due to sudden cardiac arrest when they were 17 years old. I love to be outside doing something active (does tanning by the pool count too?). I love meeting new people, learning new things, and always say yes to an adventure. 

What do you do for work?  How does this equip you for the work Living for Zachary does?

I work for ZOLL Cardiac Management Solutions. Currently, my primary product is a Wearable Cardiac Defibrillator called LifeVest. LifeVest provides protection for patients who are at risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. My role within ZOLL provides me the opportunity to educate and protect patients on SCA risk and awareness. This directly echoes my work with L4Z. 

How and when did you first become involved with our mission?

I first learned of L4Z in 2010 when I began working at The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano in Cardiac Rehab. In 2011, I volunteered at my first heart screening event and attend my first HeartBeats Gala and haven’t missed a beat (pun intended) yet.

What made you decide to join the Board of Directors?  Do you have any special role on the Board?

This is my very first year serving on the L4Z Board of Directors; my role is the Secretary. I am eager to learn as the opportunity to contribute to one of my greatest passions, SCA awareness, is a privilege.

How has L4Z given you the opportunity to use your expertise and skills to give back to the community?

First and foremost, by raising SCA awareness and education. Additionally, with donations that provide AEDs to schools, churches, sports clubs, etc. (the list goes on and on).

Why are you passionate about preventing sudden cardiac arrest in youth?

Our children are God’s gift to us. No life should be taken too soon for something we could have prevented and/or treated. It is our duty to protect them to the best of our ability.

What aspect of this mission excites you the most?  What do you envision for the future?

The education piece is what excites me most. I envision us making an impression on the general population, our communities confident in knowing what SCA is, how to have a “game plan”, and how to respond. Let’s get educated so we can prevent it, if possible. 

Aside from the Board of Directors, have you been involved with Living for Zachary’s mission in other ways?

I have participated in youth heart screenings and the HeartBeats Gala. Although, while I have not officially been on any committees, since learning of L4Z in 2010 I have capitalized on the opportunity in my professional and personal life to advocate for Karen’s courageous story and Zac’s legacy. 

Why do you choose to dedicate your time and talent to L4Z?

I have witnessed first-hand the terrifying reality of SCA as well as the increasing number of preemptive tools and education available. At the same time, I continue to see an undeniable need for SCA awareness and feel called to serve.

What is your favorite L4Z event?

The HeartBeats Gala. More specifically, hearing the in-person success stories and Karen’s testimony. 

Thank you, Kellea, for dedicating your time and expertise to the mission to save lives from sudden cardiac arrest!

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